Volume 5, Issue 1 (2-2023)                   IJMCL 2023, 5(1): 45-51 | Back to browse issues page

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Imam Reza International University, Mashhad, Iran , amin.azimkhani@imamreza.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1331 Views)
Background: The aims and all the aspects related to the assessment, will be taken into consideration, together to that can have a positive effect on performance, allowing each athlete, team and coach a good workout or match, whatever their competitive level. This study aimed to investigate the effect of eight weeks of physical and psychological interventions on the performance and bold behavior of elite Kung Fu fighters.
Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with a control group. N=40 elite Kung Fu fighters (25.31 ± 3.25 years) were selected as volunteers and were randomly divided into two groups (n= 20 for each of the experimental and control group). The data were collected using two questionnaires on sports performance and bold behavior. The experimental group did combine physical-psychological exercises for eight weeks. During this time, the control group did their daily activities. Results: The results of Mixed ANOVA and independent sample t-test showed that eight weeks of combined exercises (physical-psychological) significantly increased the sports performance and bold behavior scores of Kung Fu fighters.
Conclusion: According to the findings, it is suggested to the coaches that, in addition to daily technical and tactical exercises, use psychological skills training in combination with physical exercises along with different psychological approaches and different training systems in order to improve the performance and boldness of Kung Fu fighters.
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  • The combined exercises (physical-psychological) may increase the sports performance scores in Kung Fu fighters.
  • Physical and psychological interventions also increase the bold behavior and its components score in Kung Fu fighters.
  • Psychological skills make the athlete feel progress and gain self-confidence during the competition.
  • Developing physical skills require practicing the part that needs strengthening to improve performance.

Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: 1-3. Sport Psychology
Received: 2022/07/14 | Accepted: 2023/02/10

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